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UKDNF is down, Ryan Ewen Why?

UKDNF Screenshot

Every industry has its cranks, and I genuinely believe the biggest crank in the UK domain industry right now is Ryan Ewen. He’s off the Dulux Colour Chart. I wasn’t too bothered initially, everyone has the right to be a bit eccentric - but I recently became aware that he’s threatened the forum guys with legal action.

My Take on Ryan

I haven’t followed much of Ryan’s stuff. I’ve never met him or communicated with him, but his industry reputation from people I trust is that he’s a bit of a Billy Bullshutter. Due to Ryan’s actions, which I will come to shortly, I can’t link to one of the reasons I feel that’s true, but there is a thread on UKDNF about his companies' financials that seemed to confirm that belief.

I don’t believe anyone questions his integrity to do deals. If you pay him, you’ll get the name as described - all that sort of thing is sound, and I wouldn’t have any issues sending him money upfront.

As for the rest - bigging up your investments, saying your turnover is 10 times what it is - if it isn’t hurting anyone, then it’s not a big issue. I think I’ve even written before that maybe he’s just faking it until he makes it, and a lot of people do that. Again, it’s mostly a harmless or victimless act. Before completing transactions, buyers or investors should do their own due diligence if they are relying on statements from people; that goes for everyone and is not specific to any individual.

Do I believe all the hype about his big business deals? No. After reading about him from friends and people I trust in the industry, I take those things with a very large pinch of salt.

I don’t massively care about stuff like this, it's none of my business - each to their own. If you want to tell people you are Batman, game on, fill your boots.

Crossing the Line

You are entitled to inhale your own BS as much as you want, as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else. I wouldn’t have even bothered to write about it - each to their own. But, what I heard this morning is that Ryan had crossed that line of decency. He had issued legal threats against the owner(s) of the UKDNF forum, a forum set up to get away from industry cranks.

Those threats have led to the owner of UKDNF taking the forum down for an unknown amount of time. It's a shame as the Community has formed a nice group of people who have provided a lot of help to each other in the 2 months since it started. This is where I become a bit pee'd with Ryan and his actions, his craziness is now impacting people who aren't involved and have no wish to be involved in his transactions. In a sense he has now walked into our world and started poking about.

What Are the Threats About?

Well, I gather they are about this thread here. As UKDNF has been turned off for a short while, I had to do some research into it. The thread appears to show that Brandable has some serious security issues. Ryan doesn’t really want to be made to look like an idiot, so he has gone on the attack.

Any legal threats are a joke. Except for Dippy Dippy land I’m unsure how they can have any legal merit whatsoever. It just strikes me as someone throwing around legal threats without any understanding of what he’s actually talking about. I would find them hilarious, giggle for a few hours, write another blog post about how he is a bigger loon than I originally thought, and then get on with my life.

Unfortunately, people receive these threats in different ways. There is no right or wrong way to react to threats; different people have different circumstances and different things going on in their lives. It’s probably the reason the owner of UKDNF has taken down the site. I haven’t spoken to him, so I don’t know.

Crazy Business Decision

Ryan's just launching a new service aimed at Domainer's and this decision to take down a domain forum must rank up there with one of the most stupid decisions I've seen in the last 20 days or so.

Why on earth would you want to pee off your potential customers by shutting down their forum?

The only reason I'm not mentioning the name of the business is because I have two friends that I believe are sort of involved in it and don't want to do anything that would hinder their investments.

So, What’s the Reason for Me Posting This?

I hate cencorship, threats of cencorship are a form of bullying. By posting the pages (below) and the two web pages that Ryan is complaining about, I’m showing everyone that the guy is talking vollox. There is no legal reason for those pages to go down; they are public information. If Ryan is reading this, feel free to send me your legal reasons why I should take it down.

To everyone else reading this, every time you visit this page and this post is still up, consider it evidence that the legal threats wre nonsense and nothing more than a bully throwing his presumed weight around. That BS doesn’t work here. Censorship must never get a pair of legs, ever, zero tolerance.

Put the forum back up, ignore the cranks, and smile - oh, and stay away from Domain Summit, Acorn Domains, yellow snow and all that.

The (probably) disputed thread

Pages 1 and 2, sadly Google didn't cache page 3

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Launch of Brandable: A Premium UK Domain Marketplace | UK Domain Name Forum

Launch of Brandable: A Premium UK Domain Marketplace


Nominet Registrar Founding Member
We're thrilled to announce that has officially launched! 🎉

After dedicating countless hours to building this platform from the ground up, we're excited to bring you a premium marketplace exclusively featuring UK domains. We've crafted this with the UK market in mind, especially considering its suppressed state over the last couple of years.

Why Brandable?​

  • Exclusive UK Domains: Only .uk and domains.
  • Innovative Pair Matching: Our system permits one to automatically pair BIN .uk and domains, displaying them on a single landing page for seamless browsing.
  • Simplified VAT Handling: All VAT considerations are managed within the platform.
  • Streamlined Negotiation Workflow: Enjoy a super simple negotiation process.
  • Complete Checkout & Transfer Tools: A full suite to ensure smooth transactions and domain transfers.
This is just the beginning. We're committed to continuous updates and improvements, aiming to inject fresh energy into the UK domain marketplace. If you're curious about the future of UK domain trading and want to see us in action, you can sign up at:


Nominet Registrar Founding Member
Here are some basics about the marketplace.

Once you create an account, go to the Account Section to fill in your personal or company details and payment information.

In the account section, you'll find the ‘Pair Matching’ option at the bottom. Here’s how it works:
  • Pair Matching On: One landing page for both .uk and domains.
  • Pair Matching Across Accounts: If you have one part of a pair set to BIN (Buy It Now) and another user has the other part set to BIN, they will be matched and displayed on a single landing page. Both users need Pair Matching enabled.
  • Pair Matching Off: Each domain variant will have its own landing page, and no cross-account pairing will occur.
Adding your domains is a breeze:
  • Add them individually.
  • Use bulk upload.
  • Upload via CSV/XLS files.
Make sure to change your nameservers to:
Our current fee is set at 15%. You are free to use other marketplaces, and there are no binding contracts. Just remember, for our automation to work, your nameservers need to be pointed at Brandable


Nominet Registrar Founding Member
@invincible - thank you for catching that! The comments are placeholders. We appreciate your keen eye and will get these updated right away to reflect genuine testimonials about Your feedback helps us improve, and we're grateful for your assistance in making our platform better.


Well-known member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
Hi @atlas congrats on the launch, I wish you all the success.

Ryan emailed me last week and advised that using brandable's nameservers were a pre-requisite to listing on the marketplace. Is this still the case as your message suggests that they are only required for automation to work?




Nominet Registrar Founding Member
@DJ - yes, it is still a requirement for sellers to point their domains to our nameservers at all times. By doing so, your domains become searchable within our platform, which significantly increases their visibility to potential buyers. Additionally, it enables the full functionality of our features.


New member
Founding Member
Will you be offering the ability to import leads at a lower %, in a similar way Dan does for example? Could be handy for quick and easy GBP sales.

Would it also be possible to ask who owns the site and where client funds will be held during the domain sales process? Will they be ring fenced for example from company funds and fully protected?
Last edited:


Active member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
Best of luck with the launch @atlas

One question I had was the sales pages references a ‘Buyers protection guarantee’, a couple of times, but I can’t find any reference to that in the terms of service? Assume it’s effectively an escrow service as the domain is moved to your tag (like


Founding Member
@invincible - thank you for catching that! The comments are placeholders. We appreciate your keen eye and will get these updated right away to reflect genuine testimonials about Your feedback helps us improve, and we're grateful for your assistance in making our platform better.
No problem. I thought they might be placeholders.


Nominet Registrar Founding Member
@real - Yes, the ability to import leads is on our short list of upcoming features, and we are likely to offer this at a 5% commission.

Brandable is owned by Dot UK Group. You can find more information about us on our basic website at:

Client funds will be held in our company account.

At this stage, we are simply focused on the successful launch and growth of Brandable.


Nominet Registrar Founding Member
Thanks @Greg !

We have a registrar set up just for Brandable. So we take possession of a purchased domain before releasing the buyer's funds to the seller. I agree that this could be made clearer and will make that change.


New member

Copyright © Brandable dot uk. All rights reserved.
Brandable dot UK Limited. Registered company number 14657229 Registered office: 21 Bonny Street, London, NW1 9PE

That Ltd has 1 director and no refrence to "Dot UK Group". Does the footer need an update too?


Well-known member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
@DJ - yes, it is still a requirement for sellers to point their domains to our nameservers at all times. By doing so, your domains become searchable within our platform, which significantly increases their visibility to potential buyers. Additionally, it enables the full functionality of our features.

Thanks for clarifying Jeff.


Nominet Registrar Founding Member


Active member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
We have a registrar set up just for Brandable.
Ah ha, I know, I gave Ryan the BRANDABLE tag ;)

So we take possession of a purchased domain before releasing the buyer's funds to the seller. I agree that this could be made clearer and will make that change.
Sounds good, perhaps some tooltips or a link to extra info to explain the guarantee could be useful. Also might be worth including the word escrow somewhere to explain Brandable is the third party managing the transaction for both sides.


Active member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
I think I pretty much gave the name away a few years ago, nice to see it being used now.
This is Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 4 Jul 2024 18:02:42 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more.
Tip: To quickly find your search term on this page, press Ctrl+F or ⌘-F (Mac) and use the find bar.
Launch of Brandable: A Premium UK Domain Marketplace | Page 2 | UK Domain Name Forum

Launch of Brandable: A Premium UK Domain Marketplace

Just a quick Q from me, what will be the process for publishing sales? If the product delivers and sales are made promotion of the sales prices seems beneficial to push the UK market forward. Will there be something in place to accommodate this or will it depend on the deal/agreement per domain?


Nominet Registrar Founding Member
@Aaron - that is a good question that we discussed a lot.

I believe that publishing sales will significantly benefit the UK domain market by increasing transparency and fostering trust among buyers and sellers. Therefore, our preference is to publish sales to help push the market forward.

In the admin panel, we provide a setting that allows users to choose whether to keep their sales private or to allow us to publish them. We offer this option to respect the privacy and preferences of our users, understanding that some may prefer to keep their transactions confidential for various reasons.

We encourage users to enable the publication of their sales to contribute to a more vibrant and informed marketplace.


New member
Founding Member
Client funds will be held in our company account.
Thanks for taking the time to answer questions.

Dan offer the following "By using's “Transaction Assurance” process, you authorize to perform tasks on your behalf in order to complete the transaction. In these transactions, acts as a transaction facilitator to help you buy and sell domain names. will not use your funds for its operating expenses or any other corporate purposes, and will not voluntarily make funds available to its creditors in the event of bankruptcy or for any other purpose. You acknowledge is not a bank and the service is a payment processing service rather than a banking service. You further acknowledge is not acting as a trustee, fiduciary or escrow with respect to your funds."

Does Brandable offer the same assurances, namely "will not use your funds for its operating expenses or any other corporate purposes".

I think this will become important as transaction values grow and you attract more portfolio holders to the platform.

I am assuming running a platform will be a volume game to satisfy the burn rate, so attracting portfolio holders to the platform will be a key part of its future success? I am sure they will want to see these types of guarantees.

Best of luck and I wish you every success!


New member
Nominet Registrar
From memory this was touched upon on an old thread on Acorn, the Nominet logo, shouldn't this be the Nominet Member logo? has a section around logo usage. Linking to and

With the terms document containing:
3.2. You are not granted any form of licence or permission to use any other Nominet logo or trade marks.


Active member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
Best of luck with Brandable. There is certainly space for a UK focused domain name market place.

When it was first being developed, I mentioned to Ryan that the homepage could imply that it was a Nominet initiative because of the placement of the Nominet logo. Ryan said it was to give the site credibility, but trust and credibility are earned not borrowed.

I see you have stuck to that design which to me is misleading. Did Nominet authorise your use of its logo?



Active member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
Best of luck with Brandable. There is certainly space for a UK focused domain name market place.

When it was first being developed, I mentioned to Ryan that the homepage could imply that it was a Nominet initiative because of the placement of the Nominet logo. Ryan said it was to give the site credibility, but trust and credibility are earned not borrowed.

I see you have stuck to that design which to me is misleading. Did Nominet authorise your use of its logo?

View attachment 263
You can use “ Nominet Member” logo but not sure on the plain Nominet logo, cannot recall permissions for that, but I’m old and stupid


Active member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
You can use “ Nominet Member” logo but not sure on the plain Nominet logo, cannot recall permissions for that, but I’m old and stupid
In fact I seem to recall a visit from the Nominet police who kindly forgave my early website faux pas in using their logo and pointed me to the allowable logos


Well-known member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
Best of luck with Brandable. There is certainly space for a UK focused domain name market place.

When it was first being developed, I mentioned to Ryan that the homepage could imply that it was a Nominet initiative because of the placement of the Nominet logo. Ryan said it was to give the site credibility, but trust and credibility are earned not borrowed.

I see you have stuck to that design which to me is misleading. Did Nominet authorise your use of its logo?

View attachment 263

I think Nominet Member would be more appropriate.

Thanks for the thorough response, I think it makes sense, hopefully people will be happy to share sales.


New member

There's also bank account information and sortcodes displayed in plain text on some listings.


Nominet Registrar Founding Member
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We take privacy and security very seriously. We are currently investigating the issue and have taken all landing pages offline in the meantime to deal with this issue.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this matter promptly and thoroughly.


New member
Looks like this has been an issue for a while now. Yikes. Wayback Archive shows sensitive financial information cached from the pages.

INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 20:31:06 Jul 03, 2024.


Well-known member
Nominet Registrar Founding Member
It's hard to work out why or how this happened, as the users info needed to be nowhere near the frontend code, considering the buyer is effectively buying the domain from brandable and then brandable are releasing the funds.

I'm sorry this has happened, but seems very amateurish to me.
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    HelmutsCat · 1 months ago
    "Robert Smith" is one of the reasons Acorn is on life support, but Helmuts doesn't see it or doesn't want to see it. Funny how "Ryan" is now posting frantically to make Acorn look busy! Replies look like they are from a paid-to-post Indian call centre or AI :) 
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Anon2 · 2 months ago
    This link didn’t last long on AD - censorship like its 1984
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Anon1 · 2 months ago
    Robert Smith strikes again.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    He · 2 months ago
    The guy is a a**hole and he knows it
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Anon3 · 2 months ago
    I assume the ICO were informed of the data breach? If not people can report others.

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